Saturday, January 24, 2009

Waiting In Vain

I just found out I waited in vain for something to happen since Dec 31st and it didn't happen yesterday. I was sorely disappointed and I am actually feeling sick to my stomach that someone thought so little about me as to break a promise to me. I guess some people's words don't mean anything. I am deeply hurt and quite let down. I thought for sure this person would do what they said they would do. I was looking forward to it too, trying to keep myself busy so I didn't have to think about all the time that passed until we would be together again, I guess I was wrong. I am stupid for waiting for something that I knew deep down in my heart would never happen. So, now, here I lie, awake, heart-broken, betrayed, and feeling sad and hurt. I knew this person moved quickly, I just didn't know he moved that quickly as to forget about me. Surprise idiot! My heart is shattering. It stings as if it were cut by a thousand razor blades a thousand time over...he has moved on and I am left in the dust.

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